Tarantula story
Some nites earlier. I was from the Jail (Cafe Bastille LOL)and pretty tired, so I took a shower. While I was showering, I saw something in the mirror. A creature walked slowly.....So, I turned around. Oh My Dear God! A huge tarantula was strolling on the wall. I didn't forget to grab my towel and ran away. Knocked at my other roommate door. She is the chick, cos she is hot ( not as hot as me kakakkakaka).
She helped me to kill the tarantula with an insecticide (Baygon). Slowly but sure, the tarantula went game over, and fell from the wall. But still crawling a lil bit. I freaked out and jumped onto the bathtub.
My hot roomie had an idea. She picked it and I flushed it. Deal!
But the tarantula was really smart, she knew that she'd gamed over. So, she dropped her other part of her body (her abdomen). And when I flushed it, all of the small creatures came out from it.
"What the hell are those?", I asked my hot roomie.
"I think they are ants..." She answered me.
"Do you think a tarantula would have ant babies?!?!?!" I was looking at her closely.
There were hundreds of those babies. I had to flushed them more than ten times, and poured the hot water. Oh My!!!!!! Nitemare!
She helped me to kill the tarantula with an insecticide (Baygon). Slowly but sure, the tarantula went game over, and fell from the wall. But still crawling a lil bit. I freaked out and jumped onto the bathtub.
My hot roomie had an idea. She picked it and I flushed it. Deal!
But the tarantula was really smart, she knew that she'd gamed over. So, she dropped her other part of her body (her abdomen). And when I flushed it, all of the small creatures came out from it.
"What the hell are those?", I asked my hot roomie.
"I think they are ants..." She answered me.
"Do you think a tarantula would have ant babies?!?!?!" I was looking at her closely.
There were hundreds of those babies. I had to flushed them more than ten times, and poured the hot water. Oh My!!!!!! Nitemare!
wah pada tarantula senior bisa dijual neng kakakak kalo gak disate aja ..enak kali :P
masak sih jeng ?? astaga...merinding gue. wah setannya datang tuh, lu bunuh dia kekkekek...jangan2x jadi2x-an. awas nanti malam bobok sendiri ya ? kakkaka
Wah, serem juga tuh tarantulanya... . Koq bisa ada tarantula sih???
isabella>>> buatloeaja long wuakakkakaka
jeng dian >>>> jeng!!!!!!!!! ndak boleh gitulah hihii
zilko >>>>> iya nih ko, ngak tahu dari mana hiks
Meskipun seram sisca selalu senang membaca cerita2mu, Jeng Jolie :)
Asli, kamu tuh seruuuuu banget !!!
Terima kasih sdh berbagi dengan sisca selama ini, sisca harus pamit dulu ,krn dpt surat PHKk (baca di blog). Mohon maaf apabila selama ini ada kesalahan kata. Sampai jumpa lagi :)
Pretty stupid
Most tarantulas are harmless, I own a few. You could have made a lot of money, because an adult tarantula can sell for hundreds of dollards, some in thousands.
Poor brainless superficial doll..mankind deserves better than you
hahaha i should have called you at the time, oh by the what's your name coward? and who the hell are you BIATCH?
sisca >>>> merci sisca jolie, seru juga baca tulisan2 loe, asli bak pujangga...kayak sapa tuh yg lagu2 bak pujangga ummm lupa hehe
mao mana lagi nih sisca? balik kan ? :D
Tarantula?? waaaaaahh ..... hiiiiiiiii.... ooooohhhh (kenapa sih?)
cintah >>>> yeah i think she is the shrimp-brain biatch! you know why cos her shit is connecting to her brain! just dare to show with her pussy!
kick her ass cintah...
iwok >>> iya tuh wok, ndka tahu napa...takutttttttttttt
Baby Tarantula disiram pake air panas? Hmmm.. jadi ingat popmie deh.
wuakakkakaka emang mao dimakan hehe
daritadi daku nyari di oggix buat anonymous,tao2 disini munculnya.
bused, tarantula pun dibelain begini macam!! spooky!!
say, apakah ada acara semacem fear factor gitu di kotamu?? jangan2 syutingnya deket rumah dikaw, selesai syuting kabur mo cari 'mei nu' hehehe
banteran juga pelacur murahan tuh beraninya gak pake nama! psycho tuh miaranya tarantula, wierdo...dimakan kali!
wuahahhaha lari gue kali ini, ketakutan akkakkkaa ngacir ampe terkencing2 :D
non emang ada anonim yg cewek haha kok di sebut she sih haha,btw aku benci banget ama laba2,apalagi musim panas gini harus rajin periksa di genteng dekat kebunku,kalau ngga sudut2 rumah penuh sarangnya eww udah jelek kaki2 kurusnya jalannya brangkang kaya orang abis ngelahirin hahaha
sama, geli liat gituan, apalagi tarantula hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii serem, hamil lagi ngeriiiiiiii lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
paling takut ama hewan berkaki banyak!
That tarantula was completely harmless. In the time that you freaked out like a stupid child, and found a horrible way to kill it, you could have picked it up and put it outside. I keep a very large number of tarantula as pets, and I can assure you that there is nothing to be scared of, it was completely harmless. Also, the "ants" may have been mites, or it could have been a wolf spider carrying it's young.
By the way, you aren't hot, you are stupid and ugly.
Have a great day.
tenfams >>> gue sih freaked out trus lari ngacirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
fierce deity >>>> told ya i am not a person who will keep a tarantula as a pet! and of course my human instinct told me to run away from them..that's why i freaked out! I DIDN'T say they were ants, but my roommate! I might be stupid about tarantulas, but i am sure i am not as stupid as you to keep them to make money or to masturbate with them! Have a wet dream!
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