Yao Lan's b'day en new year

just after 2 days then new year is coming, en on dec 30 is my good friend Yaolan's bday. still no plans for new year, but for sure will see my bestas en bestos plus buddies for fun! 101 wait for me................................................................
that's the pic of my bestas (yaolan en mell), lovely, cute en super cute babeys... Yao lan en i have been friends for 4 years, but we barely talked or went out cos of communication problems at the first, second en third year of life in university. we just got closer after the 3rd year (at that time my chinese was getting better ding!). i am just preparing her present. since she is my besta, i want to get her something cool.... should i just call her and ask what she really wants? hehehe i think that's petty dumb (no kidding!).
yeah i got it now, since she is a model en i know what she really needs. Yaolan, you just wait en see...
damn...they are hot !!!
gue sebenarnya gak niat beli apa2x di ebay, but karena dikasi gift cert, akhirnya beli aigner purse. sialan, udah gue bid eeee....gak bisa bayar. nelp ebay, katanya 2-3 hari br bisa. pantat bener...
yeah they are hot...super hot
wah gile aigner!!!!!! super coooooool 2-3 hari?? wah pantat juge hehe
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