Reese Witherspoon

Ahhh she is lovely!
First watching her movie was Legally Blonde. I was told by my uncle Nick. But I seemed to doubt about it. Uncle Nick convinced me! After watching the movie, I owe my uncle a big laugh hehe.
Then Legally Blonde 2 came out. I begged Big to watched it with me. He said, no honey. But I kept bugging him and begging him. Then he gave up and watched it with me.
But after that Big wanted to kill me twice hehe :p
Other Reese good movies : Sweet Home Alabama, Vanity Fair, and Just Like Heaven (gal life codes).
aku suka reese..tapi lebih suka renee kekekekeke
ahhh gue jua long, sama kitak hehhe
Aku suka tuh ama Resse ... teringat waktu memakai kostum kelinci beli laptop di Legally Blonde 1 he he ...
hus bukan beli laptop, tapi pesta yg nyasar hehehehe
oh her movies always sweet (like me)uhuk....koctum kelinci hwaaaaa....lutu..lutu...and dia baru aja dapat oscar ya.
Iya ... habis dari pesta nyasar langsung beli laptop khan ... Coba di Indo ada cewek melanglang di mal kayak gitu ... Hhhh ...
dian >> ketinggalan loe jeng kkakkkaka
hendi >> loe ngomong kagak jelas sih, mana gue inget hehehe
jadi pengen nuntun "walk the line"
hmmmmm reese, ngga cakep sih, tapi ... gimanaaaaaaaa gitu.
(udah diduluin Christ)
iya gak cakep at all, wok. tapi gimnaaa gitu. duh ini lagi nonton original sin,dipotong byk adegannya
mell >> yg mana long? kok gue kuper yah wuakakkkak
iwok >> iwokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
dian >> biarin tapi bagus wekkkkk hehehehhe :P
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