Cinta Laura Kiehl
Cinta Laura, another Indonesian so-called actress, model or whatever it is, is showing her mixed face. If you ask me why Asian film industry likes to "sell" the Caucasian-Asian-mixed figures and faces? I tell you : I don't know! Most of these kids are super stupid and sometimes they even never gain acting education, and they try to convince the audience. They are not even cute :O
I have some quotes from the internet, and I just think it's funny. No offense, she is NOT very smart not pretty!
I have some quotes from the internet, and I just think it's funny. No offense, she is NOT very smart not pretty!
- "Kata mama aku, perfume itu wanginya gak longlasting... Jadi mendingan kasi bracelet from platina" = (My mum said that perfume is not long-lasting, so it's better to wear bracelet from platinum)
- "Aku pengen ke America atau ke England kalau udah masuk ke university. Kalau di England pengen ke Oxford, kalau di America pengen ke Harvard atau Yale atau Princeton" = (I wanna study in the USA or UK. I wanna go to Oxford, England or Harvard or Yale or Princeton, USA)
- "Banyak orang-orang yang ikut dunia entertainment langsung drop out of school, itu menurut aku that's really really stupid. Soalnya mereka nggak pikirin long term" = (Many people work in the entertainment field, and get dropped out of schoold, I think it's really really stupid, cos they don't really think long term, in the future she meant)
- "Not all beautiful people bisa menjadi famous" = (Not all beautiful people can be famous)
- "Bahasa Indonesia saya buruk sekali, jadi Cinta will be going to Australia to improve Bahasa Indonesia Cinta" = (My Indonesian language is very poor, so I will be going to Australia to improve my Indonesian language)
- "Udah ujan, becek, gak ada ojek...." (It was raining, wet and no chauffeur)
- "Aku kalow di dalam negeri sukanya liburan ke Bali karna aku punya apartmen di sana" =(In Indonesia, I like to go to Bali cos I have an apartment there)
- "Aku udah keliling keliling dunia, ke London, German and several countries karena papaku General Manager di Hyatt" = (I've been around the world, been to London, Germany and several countries cos my dad is the General Manager in Hyatt)
- "Kamu nggak cocok pake logat english karena kamu dari kecil tinggal di Indonesia" kepada Samuel Zylgwyn Heckenbucker, artis ABG berwajah Indo tapi lahir dan besar di Indonesia = ("It doesn't suit you to speak with English accent cos you were born and grew up in Indonesia," said Cinta Laura to Samuel Zylgwyn Heckenbucker, young mixed-blood actor who was born and grew up in Indonesia. )
- "Cinta ingin berhenti waktu career Cinta sedang naik, biar tetap dikenang so kalau orang-orang mengingat Cinta itu oh my God, Cinta Laura..." = (I wanna quit after my career is on the top, so people will always know me and will say...Oh my God, Cinta Laura..)
- "Cinta mengajar di sekolah untuk anak-anak ini karena pendidikan di Indonesia masih kurang dibandingkan dengan di German. Indonesia kan negara miskin, banyak orang-orangnya masih bodoh, tidak sekolah" = (I teach kids at a school cos education in Indonesia is still inadequate comparing Germany. Indonesia is a poor country, there are still many people who are stupid and they don't go to school)
- "Waktu Cinta study tour ke India dari sekolah disana negaranya lebih kotor, banyak orang-orang miskin, rumah-rumah jelek di pinggir jalan. Orang-orang tidur di stasiun kereta, iuuugghhh..." = (When I was on study tour to India, it was dirtier there, a lot of poor people, ugly houses. People were sleeping at the train station, ugggggg)
- "Dari kecil papa sudah punya banyak mobil waktu di German kita punya 5 mobil tapi karena garagenya tidak cukup jadi papa menjual mobil-mobil itu tinggal 2. Tapi aku paling suka yang Audi A4..." = (My dad had had many cars since I was a child in Germany, we had 5 cars, but the garage was too small for the cars, so my dad had to sell the cars. So only 2 cars left. But I like Audy A4 the most)
- "Mami-Papi saya sudah sukses, jadi Cinta minta apa saja pasti dikasih." = (My mum and dad are very successful, so they will give me anything I want)
- "Ahmad Dhani is very cool. Aku taunya dari Mama." = (Ahmad Dhani is very cool. I know it from my mum)
- "Saya jarang makan makanan di warung gitu karena banyak ehmm.. Toxic." = (I rarely eat food from the vendors cos it is toxic. )
- "Kata Papaku, aku gak boleh beli obat di warung, because gak ada label dari health department. I meant Departemen Kesehatan." = (My dad said that I was not allowed to buy medication from the vendors cos they don't have label from health department)
- "My first car? Mmm... I don't know. Karena aku mmm... Aku sudah ganti mobil is about 8 kali. Oooww... I know, I have my first car pas aku umur 8 tahun, karena ulang tahun yang ke-7 itu hadiahnya kolam renang." = (My first car? Ummm...I don't know. Cos I've changed cars 8 times. Owww...I know, I had my first car when I was 8 years old, cos my 7th year-old-birthday present was a swimming pool. )
- "Mama Papa punya apartment di Bali. Kalau libur Cinta ke Bali. Bali is like a second home. I love Bali so much, di sana banyak orang campur-campur." = (My parents have an apartment in Bali. I go to Bali on vacation. Bali is like a second home, I love Bali so much, cos it is so mixed there.)
- "Well... I think global warming is cool!"
- "Oh my God, Mom, Dad... Why people doing that? Soalnya saya dari kecil tinggal di luar negeri. It's natural bukan dibuat-buat." (Oh my God, mum, dad...why are people doing that? I grew up abroad since I was little kid, it's natural, I don't make it up)
aku baru makan cuna syusyi nih, jeng kekkekkek
rata2x actress indo memang gak sekolah akting, makanya pada kaku. cuma modal tampang indo ama bapak or emak yg famous. tapi kalo bodoh sih enggaq. kebanyakan artis cilik itu pintar di sekolahnya
wuakakkakakakaka....modal tampang blasteran kalo gak yah bapake pengusaha.
Yah pintar di sekolah belum tentu palake berisi LOL
hahaha, tolol banget tuh dia yah, hahaha
sombong bgt, tp kaga gitu 'berisi' otaknya, haha
asal yg berwajah indo dijanji dipake deh buat sinetron ato nyanyi gitu hehehehehe
tuh cewek siapa pulak dia..ngomongnya tak pake otak..dasar otak belacan.
zilko ---> emang tuh ngomong gak pikir dulu, emaknya juga sama, malah lebih parah :D
melong ---> ehehehehe baru tau jeng, ngetop woi sekarang di indo, tapi ngetop sinetron LOL, mukanya juga gak cakep kayak ria irawan
Bali menyajikan keindahan alam dan keunikan budayanya. Liburan di Pulau Dewata adalah suatu hal yang menyenangkan. Berbagai kemudahan ditawarkan untuk setiap wisatawan termasuk mendapatkan diskon Bali hotels dan villas.
ya kalau ga nyentrik ga tenar... ga bisa masuk blog :p
she's just plainly stupid hahaha.
the learning-in-Australia-to-improve-Bahasa-Indonesia part is just hillarious.
i wonder where her mum keeps her brain? probably it's slipped away someplace... :D
doooh bebek jadi pen liat keik apa siy tampangna,...
sombong sekaleeee
*langsung browsing*
perasaan ingris gue ame si cinta ngak beda jauh,hahahaha
your comment about selling the 'caucasian look' ---
thats just like asking you this question:
"why do you speak english?"
it's because she is 'gaul' and amazingly goodlooking.
no different that watching films like arisan - the intermingling of indonesian and english phrasing - its ugly and stupid - but you hear no one making a fuss about those films...
i don't like your ideas.
To anonymous ---> I DIDN'T say Caucasian look, but Caucasian-Asian-mixed look! And the terms are different!
And I emphasized "Asian film industry"! If you are a Caucasian and feel offended. I didn't mean to offend you!
I don't know where you are from or where you are living, but apparently you have never lived in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia or Japan.
Caucasian-Asian-mixed kids from those countries I mentioned, got into film industry just like that. They never went to acting school or academy.
What I want to tell my readers that we should see the quality acting not only the face and race.
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