dinner with co-workers

my company is holing oops holding a dinner party tonite. chinese ppl hold a big dinner in a company once a year, they call it weiya.
i think that's pretty cool... hahha lots of food, hope it's good.
they put a lucky draw too....yippie
but after that we're gonna have a cleaning "party", which means everybody has to clean a house/company/school/anything once a year.....and have to be really clean, they call it da-sao-chu
whatever!!! dinner and cleaning party... lol = lots of laugh
wah bagus tuh...abis makan banyak, disuruh olahraga ! biar terbakar kalorinya. itu makanan apaan sih yg di pic?
mexican, but we ate chinese :S (bingung lol)
eww rekan kerja kita mabok cing, ampe mao diangkat ke apartemen gue, kontan aja gue "GAK!!"
muntah agik,,alamak!!!!
kakakkak....iyalah ntar muntah lagi matilah nyuci seprai mulu.
so mexican chinese food ? hahha
iya, enak aja yah!!!
yeah hahahahahh mex-chenese jadinya lol
mexchen masih mending drpd texmex ?? hihihi
texmex = texas mexican lol
gue liat co texas, langsung stress, mereka gak pake otak, punya otak tapi share ama udang hehe
texmex = tetex memex
wuakakkakak ada ada aja loe
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