Hey guys, we are single !

Then I came out with, "hey, check out out 10 o'clock, he is pretty cute for a Taiwan guy :p"
Mell : I bet he is not from here. America or Canada!
Chris : Yeah, you are 100% rite. But he is damned cute!!!
Mell : I think he wants to talk to you.
Chris : He is on the phone.
Two minutes later, he came to us and asked, "hey gals, where are you from?"
Mell was damned rite!!!! He wanted to talk to us, cos he said, "I thought you are from Japan (me), and she is from Brazil (Mell)."
Well, we got his number, by the way his name is Jon.
Bunga kita lagi mekar-mekar nih...wadow, susah nanti mao yang mane hehehe
buat elo aja nek!!ganteng tuh cowo...tapi sayang disayang...dia bukan tipe aku :d
walah walah nyesel loe ntar kalo gak ada ban serep
ah buat gue jadi simpanan juga gak papa walopun gue gak ada wang untuk ngidupin dia lol
hehehe....meli memang kayak brazil ! tanned. christy, kurangin 3 kilo lagi lo pasti sip ! hehe...
decante....................hik hik hik masak suruh gue diet...(lari sambil bawa pisau ngejar decante) :(
hahhaha ngakak gue bacanya....(lari dikejar pake pisau)
abisssss.... kalo gak pisau, parang aja yah heheh (bhs kampoengnya pedang)
hmmm ... girls talk ya? ya udah, iwok out lagi.
eniwei, Chris lo di Taiwan toh?
Wok >>> biarin aja tulis Bronx gue lebih suka jadi gadis dari tempat kumuh kayak maria cinta yang hilang itu hehehe
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