do they go to school?

I really hate stupid people, sometimes! Do they ever think? Do they really ever use their brains? or do they have ones?
They are really stupid so that they don't know how to talk to others.
My manager, William talked to me the other day. We chit-chatted about many different things, such as cultures, traditions, customs and bla bla blas.
En he came out with such a question!
W : perempuan mana yg lebih murahan, sini ato indonesienne???
masya'allah, gimana gue mao jawab, wong kenyataannya jawaban gue bakal nyakitin manager gue!! i just turned around, pretending i didn't hear his question, and talked to joe.
sorry, will, my answer is cewek sini, and it's true (100% halal, no discount).
kakakkakak....cuwek ajalah jawab ! jawaban gue ; thailand !!
eh bush cakep juga ya..ehem
wuah gue seh mao bilang cina bangsat! tapi gue half cina (yg kagak bangsat lol)
wuakakkak gue seh gak demen ama bush kalo bush yang di semak2 mao lol
dian ...hahahahah non thailand yee ahaha kek chris non china hahahhaah alesan juga sama hahahahah opss
mell loe non ape?
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