Aubergine curry

Don't think that it's curry made of aubergines aka egg plants. NOPE!!! It's a japanese chained resto, with curry delicacy of Japanese style.
It's my fave actually. Kentang ama gue sering makan situk. Beef curry with 3*** of the spice (mild).
If you want put some cheese, there is an option too. But I think, I am not into cheese with my curry :p
My fave curries are : Thai, Indonesian, Malay, Indian, and few Japanese curry.
PS : They have Sporean curry in Kenting wuakakakkakakakak funney shit !!!
dmana tuh???
enakan yang nehi-nehi ato yang ini?
yang ini, cuman bingung long abis makan yg ini migrane pulak :(
mpok, picnya gak keliatan. laki gue suka kari tuh
masa ???? refresh aje jeng, ajak aja nehi-nehi ama gue
udah direfresh berkali kali jeng, sampe kerinting jari gue
udah gue ganti tuh pic, mirip sih tapi agak beda dikittttttt aje
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