my roses et sunflower

William asked me to buy him lunch.
William : here is some cash
Christina : oh no, no problem, I got some with me
William : so you want to buy me a Valentine's lunch?
Christina : hah?!?!? No........................ give me your money et some for mine too
William : hehehe
I got our lunch at the corner of the resto. Then asked the lady there where I could buy some flowers. "Just a block from here."
I got myself a sunflower with William's money then said, "Thank you very much William."
He was just looking at me with nothing to say :D
Valentine's just passed for a day. I came to my office with curiosity about my sunflower et the rose. They look prettier !
I poured some water into a bottle then stuck my flowers into it. They look very pretty now on a new bottle.
Nicole saw it, and stuck her into my bottle too. Zoe did the same.
I have many flowers now. Waaaaaaa they must love me a lot!!!
gw lebih naksir laptop di sbelahnye drpd bunganye ehehehe...
gue juga cinta elo chris! beneran ituh, sungguh! sumpah...resmi dah gw jd lesbong :-ss
:P kpan ash jadi lesbong?
ehh chris main paksa lo ya..
sorry banget maren aku sibukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ampe mau tereak gue!!
met palentin :X
wah bunga hasil ngerampok ! kakakkakak...i love u too, babe
ash >> waaa cintah gue, gue juga cintrong loe :p , laptop sih buat yg cuakep kayak gue kakakkaka
melli to the B >>> tadak ape2 long, wuah org manager kalo tadak bantuin pake tuh duit ntar belapok
dian >> iya jeng, ngerampok di ya too jeng
PS : Love ya all :D
Wow ... nice roses. Sadly, no one give me rose :(
Thank ya, ambil aja kalo mao, gue send deh :D
roses? gw sih kalo mau tinggal metik aja .............. di halaman orang! hehehehe maliiiiiiiiiinnnnnnggg
iwok....gue lapor polisi ntar biar gak bisa lari...
gue kasih aja wok, gratis :)
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