drunken nite

I spent 3 days with my friend on my vacation. That was cool!!!!! Mars, then called me to go out. Yeah why not.
Stopped at Starbucks to get my fave, Caramel Machiatto. Slurped...hmmm yummy.
It is not my starbucks on the pic, but our other drinks at some ethnic resto in jakarta.
Then we stopped by at Mell's cafe. We got lots of Belgian beers. Five kinds, I guess hehe :D We drank til 12 midnite. We chit-chatted a bit, and the next door spinster was really angry. She was yelling at us. Oh lady, you live close to a bar, what do you expect?!? LOL
wah si kris udah dapat gelar master nih. drunken master ! hihihi
mabok lagi....judi lagi....
wuakakkakakak kok tahu sih.
gue sebenarnya dapet dua master degreees lho :
drunken master et master-bate
drunken master gedubrak gedubruk nabrak tiang...btw...postingan kagak kebaca
loe butak urup yah? itu situk masak kagak kebaca?!?!?
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