Ya Kun kaya

if you haven't been to spore or jakarta then you'd not know about Ya Kun kaya. It's a coffee shop established in 1944, pretty old. They sell kaya toast en black coffee (or with condensed milk).
Mum always makes us good kaya jam for our breakfast. i didn't really like it that much, but now i miss it so much cos it's so good......
Kaya is from Malay/Indonesian, kaya is made of coconut milk, eggs, sugar and flour, but mum likes to add some milk so it tastes better.
My mum likes to eat it in the morning with toast en black coffee (my mum is disgusting with her black coffee hee)..sorry mum for telling ya the truth.

I was starving today, cos I just got a bacon-egg sandwich for my breakfast. I didn't get anything for my lunch. Then, I walked out from my office, I saw "Ya Kun Kaya" sign just 3 metres from my office. Yippieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee run and get it!!!!
I got 2 slices of kaya-cheese toast with Horlicks. I miss Horlicks too (yeah I am old now).
If you don't know them, I got pictures.
Go and google it, damn it!
yeah i miss them so much now :p
used to not like the kaya
but do now
they got some here in Taipei now
i am so excited lol :p
you want one Taryn? come en get it :D
kayak = srikaya, kah ? i have been lived in spore since 94 then nyambung lagi 2001. but gak pernah nemu ya kun kaya. haiyaaa...i miss spore, not kaya kakakka
wah jeng, masak kagak tahu ka yun kaya. iya di spore ama jakarta wuihh enak (skarang gue enak) doeloe sih gak, suka menghina mummy gue lol
Kaya tuh sarikaya ya? hehehe eh bukan ya? minta dong Christ kirim sini.
iya wok, kaya tuh srikaya. loe mau brapa kilo? gue kirimin pake UPS aja heehhe
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