Big and I

The relationship between me and Big is just like twisted vines. Hard to make it clear and clean. The more you try to pick the vine of the other ones, the more they grow closer.
Sometimes, Big is just a Big of Carrie. Is he a Big of mine? Hard to say so....
Big wasn't only a bf to me, but he was more than that. Big was a huge nice spoiler hehe. But Big maybe not the Big anymore.
He called the other day while he was drunk. Drunk ppl tell the truth! Saying bla bla bla...what??? Don't get you honey. What do exactly you want!

May Big be Big. May Big be Aidan.
kalo gue bilang,
lo tuh kebanyakan nuntun sex n the city :P wekssss
tak jitak loe long weksssssssssssss bekssssssssssss
Halah, hari film nih... :) :) :)
Christy, binggung komen apa..btw..gini aja deh..Kamu emang sekseh....siiiippplah
duh sjp. mending paris hilton lah wakakakkakkak...ngacir
Udah nonton derailed-nya jeniffer Aniston? lumayan juga tuh.
zilko >> ay ay tahu dia hehe
sisca >> wuaaaaa thank you pren, tahu sih gue kakakkakkaka
decante >> jengggggggggggggggg tak jitak loe
iwok >> gak ah soale gue kagak mao jadi simpanan org ntar akkakakakkkaka
Big : cakepnya ama duitnya aja mau.
Aidan : cintanya boleh deh.
Suami : maunya sih perpaduan dari Big + Aidan.
gue mao dua2nya aja ahhhh hehehe
huss dilapor polisi loe poliandri. tapi kalo cowok gak papa
wuakakkaka it's legal in chinese society hehehehe LOL
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