5 kinda shit

"It's my shit, it's my shit...."says Gwen Stefanie
Got this 'homework' from Jeng to fulfill my shit hehhe.
Five kinda shit that i have been dreaming of:
A. Visit my bestos...when I have some cash with me.
B. Famous fashion designer in Paris and London (I believe that one day I will be).
C. Charlotte, my daughter...one day
D. Live with Aidan in Monaco
E. Travel with my lover, Aidan to anywhere
Ok, next one is Mell aka Melanie aka Melong aka Meli LOL
loh???kok jadi pr utkku kakakakak..ini resiko belum blogwalking dulu tapi udah sibuk dengan blog ndiri kakakakakak
Chris, kalo udah famous jgn lupa ngajak2 ke Paris ato London yach, itung2 aku ama suami mo napak tilas hehehe...
impian yang lain aku amieni aja.
mell >> wuakakkakka makanya mell baca sebelum nulis eh nulis sebelum baca eh auk ahh gelap
tenfams >> iya iya thank you thank you
Christy..semoga terwujud, Kalo Ke Paris, ingat saya ada di ujung nya..
hahhaha....melong...pantesan...kalo udah ngetop, design-in gue ya....buat ke red carpet hihihi
sisca >> gak ahh tadak mao wuaakkakakak becanda kok
decante >> iya iya tak bawa monkey loe kkakakkakak
thank you all of you
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