easter lily

Bribery seems to be a famous tradition in chinese society : boss bribes the employees, ppl bribe the police men, even sometimes civilians bribe the gods. JRENG!!! What the hell.
My boss bought me some lilies cos i was pissed the other days. Then i was thinking, was that a bribery? Then i saw them praying with the inscent sticks, with lots of fruits, creakers and some chicken legs.
Those things just related to bribery to me LOL. Oh well... I am just cool with my easter lillies, who cares!
kakakaka lilies dari 228 kungyuan ya? =)) terguling2
kkakakakakka iya mell, metik ama loe nyolong ama loe jua kakakakkak ampe jatuh ke kolong
He...dah nyolong dipublish pulak..dasar muka badak..!!!wakakakak
aiihh itu bunga waktu gue married, bronk...waktu dilempar,yg dapat bencong
sisca >> baca woi baca bukan nyolong wuakakakkaakk ampe jatuh agik
decante >> masyaolloh, bencong jua ikutan wuakakkka
eh jeng kalo gue dapet jua, bingung mao marry ama sapa wuakakkakkakkakka orlando blossom kali eh orlando bloom
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