(Dragon boat)
(Me and the dragon boat)
For tomorrow I will be off from lapty, and the same the day after tomorrow. So, to all of you who celebrate and don't celebrate, Happy Dragon Boat Festival, and happy holiday (if you have one).
The last pic was me at the festival last year!
gak ikut row the dragon, neng??
u look gorgeous in the pic!
Jeng Jolie, makan2 bakcang gak disana ???
hihih neng...sorry gue janjian ama my garing :P
Koq off kenapa??? :P Mau ikut ngedayung Dragon Boat-nya kah???
sibuk mandiin dragon ?
hiii.. dragonnya serem...
Gak takut digigit, neng???
gw juga pernah liat ni bu!
di tangerang dirayain juga. seru! tp gw lebih kagum lagi ama filosofinya....bunuh diri gara2 gak dipercaya. gak dipercaya orang emang kagak ngenakin banget!
violette >>> dulu sih pernah, tapi kalah hhehehe
sisca jolie >>> iya tapi daku kagakm makan soale susah cerna hehe
melong >>>> biasa cerita si Boy ke 3
zilko >>>> tahu aja loe heheh ikut?
jeng dian >>> naga gendenk jeng, gak mao mandi kayak iki aja hhee
re >>>> wuakakkakaka palsu woi
ash >>>> legenda aja tuh, masak kita mao percaya ama dayang sumbi hihi
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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