Darn my luck!
If people believe that Friday 13th is an unlucky date, but I believe Thursday 13th was the unluckiest day for me! It started only from a stomachache in the afternoon after lunch. I felt kinda weird in my stomach, but I thought it was normal cos I always have that. After work, I came home and had a dinner. It got worse, so I put a hot towel on it. It was really WRONG! Never do that when you have a stomachache, cos it might endanger your life. About 10 pm, we went to the hospital and it was completely a disaster. There was no more room for me, so I had to sleep on the hallway. It was really loud; the nurses came every minute with utility carts and it woke me up every time.
I got the pain killer infusion until the next day. The "real" doctor came and checked my stomach again. According to his professionalism and scrutiny, I had appendicitis and I had to get it removed as soon as possible. 'Geez, I am dead!' Can you imagine after all day without food and water, and then they will cut and take something out of your stomach? I'd rather die than think about the surgery. About 1 PM, they took me to the surgery room and I felt like I was dead (hahaha coward!) After had inhaling the anaesthesia from the pipe, I slept soundly and had a sweet dream :) I just hope that I didn't fart during the surgery LOL. When I woke up, the first question was, "Is it done?" And bluuuup I slept again.
The first day after the surgery, my head was still dizzy and I couldn't really move my body. But the next day, I could walk a little bit, cleanse myself and eat. I craved like a refugee who hadn't eaten for days when I saw the bread. Five days, I was in the hospital and I got crazy. I called for going home and the doctor permitted it.
Yuhuuuuuuu I am home!
Our car was dragged!!!!!! It cost like 200 Euro to get it back plus 3 Euro/ day. WTF! And we got the letter of notification like 10 days later! Yaaaaaaaa mpok! Mobil mesti diperbaiki lagi... Darn my luck!
Oh well, it was snowing in Aachen. The first snow in 2008, bubye summer, bubye fall...and welcome winter. It was very beautiful..........
sama jeng waktu abis operasi, begitu nyadar, yg pertama tak omongi : udah selesai ?
jeng, maksudnya mobilnya has been towed ya ? emang lu parkir dimana ? trus kok pake diperbaiki segala ?
iya jeng kena towed, parkirnya di tempat parkir free e ehhh siyalan katanya 10 cm kena gate sekolah...yaaa ampun cuman 10 cm....
trus mobilnya emang udah mao diperbaikin jeng plus kena dragged tambah parah jeng...hiksss habis deh duit :(((
wah, serem juga ya tuh. Kenapa ya bisa usus buntu gitu? Serem ui, hmmm... . Tapi untung de uda kaga papa, hehehe...
Ide ttg operasi emang serem bgt da...
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