Friday, June 06, 2008

Don't bother

I am not going to share about Shakira, but since she is really hot, so there is no harm to put her album picture on this post.

People are just different. Some take things seriously and some just take it easily. Parents play important roles in families, but it doesn't mean that they need to get involved into any matters of their children. As long as, it is NOT physically and mentally abusive or harmful, parents don't need to get involved. Or better I say it, NEVER get involved into other families' business (including brother and sister matters) and boyfriend-girlfriend's business. Because in the end, you're the asshole after they are fine again.

Some parents want to have perfect families and some just want to have simple ones.
For some people, a perfect family is when they can share and talk about anything and everything has to be fine and perfect without any stains. For me, taking things easy is the perfect way of living. But because of the 'take-it-easy' thingy, I got some troubles! I might have made some jokes that I thought funny, but not to some people. And I guess it is the end of the world.

I am truly sorry for the people that I've hurt cos of my jokes and don't worry, I won't share it any more!


Blogger Zilko said...

haha, ya memang berbeda2 sih... . Aku sih koq rasanya susah gitu lho mendefinisikan 'simple'. Kalo 'take it easy' juga agak susah yah, hahaha... :) Ya begitulah, kompleks bgt, hmmm

(ngomong apa sih saia? barusan ngebaca ulang koq kaga jelas? LOL)

7:47 PM  
Blogger SinceYen said...

'gak semua orang sama, tapi itu yang asik kan? Jadi kayak nano-nano banyak rasanya :D

Jangankan becanda, kadang ngomong aja 'gak sengaja aku bisa bikin orang laen tersinggung, padahal bukan maksudku bikin orang tersinggung.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Emaknya Bunny said...

waduh siapa yg tersinggung jeng?
kalo di keluargaku sih juga sama...kadang yah suasananya nyantei gitu tapi yah kalo ngomong masih perlu menjaga tata krama juga sih :D

6:50 PM  
Blogger Theresia Maria said...

Yup, selera humor orang tuh beda2... tergantung background lawan bicaranya.
Makanya susah kapan kita nge-rem, kalo kita udah tipe ceplas-ceplos ya! bisa2 kena pentung orang hehehehe....

10:15 AM  

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